Monday, June 30, 2008

Sponge Cake

Sponge cake is the most common cake, because we can make a lot of filling and flavor on it. We can many types of fruits, or even add some raisin or chocolate also very nice. By the way, to make a sponge cake, it can be very easy and also can be very hard.

Most important thing is how we mix. If we mix too long time, the cake will become too light, then it will raise very high and will sink in middle. If the mixing not enough, it will cannot raise and become hard.

Another thing is, after adding butter, cannot mix to long time, because it will getting more heavier as long as we mix. Beside that, no water or any fresh fruits added inside the sponge cake. It will become like 'kuih' at bottom, because sponge cake no need too much of water, other ingredients had contain water, like eggs. This is from my own experiences.

Baking temperature also a important element. If we set the temperature too low, the cake will cook very slowly and the water will sink into bottom, the cake will become very dry. If temperature too high, the skin will cook very fast, but inside cannot cook.

1 comment:

~秀敏~ said...

Walau~you are so "pro" in "cake industry" now~
when do you decided to open your own shop??remember to invite me oh~

Remember your promise~~make a b'day cake for my nee nee~29th of Sept.~2years old b'day~MUST remember oh~